Delivery Systems

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Renewable portfolio standard (RPS)

A renewable portfolio standard, often called an RP

Replacement reserve

Replacement reserve comprises units that are avail

Reserve margin

The long-term balance of electric supply and deman

Residential customer class

Gas and electric utility rate structures and regul


Electrical resistance (or the resistance to the fl

Safety ground

A safety ground is a temporary conductor that is i

Service conductor

A service conductor is the wire or set of wires th

Service configuration

The configurations for any specific customer’s e

Service panel

The service panel, also called a breaker box or fu

Service voltage

The voltage configuration that is provided by the

Single-phase distribution lines

Distribution lines can be configured in different

Single-phase feeder/tap

Single-phase feeders and taps are used to take pow

Single-phase power

Single-phase power is what is used by most residen

Single-phase service

Single-phase is a service configuration offered by

Small modular reactor (SMR)

New technologies in development promise much small

Smart grid

The term smart grid (also sometimes called the adv

Smart inverter

A smart inverter is an inverter that includes soph

Smart meter

A smart meter is an electronic device that records

Specified minimum yield strength (SMYS)

When engineers design a steel gas line, they desig

Spinning reserve

Spinning reserves are units (or portions of units)