Business and Regulation

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Customer class

End users of gas or electricity traditionally have


Investor-owned utilities and other publicly traded


Decoupling is a regulatory mechanism designed to a

Demand charge

A demand charge is based on the maximum usage by a

Demand response (DR)

Demand response, or DR, is a form of demand side m

Demand-side competition

To ensure market liquidity in competitive markets,

Department of Energy (DOE)

The United States Department of Energy is a cabine


The general concept behind depreciation is that mo

Direct Air Capture (DAC)

Direct Air Capture (DAC) is an industrial process


A disallowance, also called a regulatory disallowa

Distribution resource plan (DRP)

A distribution resource plan (DRP) is developed by

Duck curve

The duck curve is the name given to the shape of t

Economic dispatch

Economic dispatch, also called least-cost economic

Electric cooperative

An electric cooperative, commonly called a co-op,

Electric generation capital costs

Capital costs are the upfront costs necessary to c

Electric generation levelized costs

The levelized cost of electric generation is a mea

Electric generation variable costs

The variable cost of electric generation is a meas

Electric industry history

The word electricity is derived from the Latin wor

Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT)

The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT)

Electric reliability indices

Electric reliability indices measure the reliabili