Business and Regulation

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Financial services company

A financial services company provides offers finan

Firm service

Firm service is the highest priority utility, gas

Fixed cost

A fixed cost remains basically constant regardless

Gas exploration

Gas exploration is the process of exploring for an

Gas industry history

As long ago as 1000 BC the Greeks are credited wit

Gas scheduling

Gas Scheduling provides the link between customer

Gas supply agreements

A gas supply agreement between a buyer and seller

General rate case

One of the most important regulatory proceedings f

Greenhouse gas emissions from natural gas

Methane, the primary component of natural gas, is

Greenhouse gases

Gases that trap heat in the atmosphere are called


Hedging is a risk management strategy designed to

Home of the future

The home of the future will be full of flexible en


Hubs are common places for market participants to

Hybrid retail competition electric market model

Under this market model customers have the option

Incentive regulation

As the utility business restructures, regulators a

Independent power producer (IPP)

Independent power producers, commonly called IPPs,

Independent System Operator (ISO)

An ISO is an independent organization that handles

Industrial customer class

Gas and electric utility rate structures and regul

Investor-owned utility (IOU)

Investor-owned utilities, or IOUs, are for-profit

LNG history

Natural gas liquefaction was first demonstrated by