Natural Gas

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CME Group

CME Group is an American global markets company. I

Coincident peak demand

Coincident peak demand is the demand of a customer

Combined-cycle gas turbine

A highly efficient way to use gas to generate elec

Commercial customer class

Gas and electric utility rate structures and regul


A commodity is a product that is mass produced and

Complaint case

Consumers or other affected parties can file a com

Compressed natural gas (CNG)

CNG is natural gas that has been compressed to a p


A compressor is a machine that is used to increase

Compressor station

Compressors and related equipment on a transmissio

Construction work in progress (CWIP)

Construction work in progress, commonly called CWI

Conventional gas supply

Conventional natural gas is produced from a well d

Core customers

Customers considered to be core customers are thos


Corrosion is the natural process in which material

Cost of capital proceeding

The first step in the utility ratemaking process i

Cost-of-service ratemaking

Cost-of-service ratemaking sets rates based on for

Cubic foot

A cubic foot, or cf, is the most common unit of me


A curtailment is an event where energy services ar

Customer charge

A customer charge (also called a service charge or

Customer class

End users of gas or electricity traditionally have


Investor-owned utilities and other publicly traded