Natural Gas

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Decoupling is a regulatory mechanism designed to a

Demand charge

A demand charge is based on the maximum usage by a

Demand response (DR)

Demand response, or DR, is a form of demand side m

Demand side management (DSM)

Demand side management (DSM) is the modification o

Demand-side competition

To ensure market liquidity in competitive markets,

Department of Energy (DOE)

The United States Department of Energy is a cabine


The general concept behind depreciation is that mo

Deregulation (natural gas)

The term deregulation describes modification of re


A disallowance, also called a regulatory disallowa

Distribution line types

Line pipe used on the natural gas distribution sys

Distribution network operator (DNO)

A distribution network operator, also called a DNO

Distribution pipe

Distribution pipe installed today may be steel or


The natural gas delivery chain comprises three gro

Electric vehicle (EV)

An EV is a vehicle that uses one or more electric

Emergency response (natural gas)

Responding to emergencies in order to protect life

Emergency valves

Emergency valves are any valves used to isolate pi

End user

The term end user refers to a consumer of energy t


Energy, as measured in kilowatt-hours or megawatt-

Energy charge

An energy charge (also called a usage charge or a

Energy efficiency

Energy efficiency reduces overall energy intensity