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In an AC system, frequency is the rate at which th

Frequency regulation

Frequency regulation is used to manage the second-

Frequency response

Frequency response is the ability of a bulk electr

Fuel cell

A fuel cell is an electrochemical device that conv

Future electric grid

The electric grid is rapidly transforming from a o

Gas combustion turbine

Gas combustion turbines allow a form of power gene

Gas composition

Natural gas composition varies by well, but most w

Gas control

The Gas Control Department of an LDC or a pipeline

Gas distribution system

Natural gas is delivered from the transmission sys

Gas drilling and completion

Once exploration has provided enough evidence to i

Gas exploration

Gas exploration is the process of exploring for an

Gas gathering

After it is produced at the well, gas is moved to

Gas industry history

As long ago as 1000 BC the Greeks are credited wit

Gas nomination

A nomination is a request to move gas from one loc

Gas odorant system

A gas odorant system is the equipment that injects

Gas origins

While several theories exist to explain the develo

Gas pressure

An important property of gas is its pressure. Pres

Gas processing

Raw gas from lease facilities is transported throu

Gas production

Once a gas well is completed, equipment is install

Gas reserves

Proved reserves are estimated quantities of natura